Sheikh Imad Lagadien

Sheikh Imad matriculated from Al-Azhar Islamic school , thereafter received a scholarship to study at the Islamic University of Madinah and graduated with honors from the faculty of Shariah Law.  He also holds a Bachelors in Education and is currently teaching at Woolhope Secondary School in Malabar.  On weekends , Sheikh Imad lectures Arabic online to students from around the globe for the Islamic Online University in Qatar.  For the last 3 years,  he has taught Shafii fiqh to the Malawian association, and says that he will always be a student of the Madhhab.

His favourite contemporary scholar is Sh. Muhammad Uthaimeen, because of his ability to simplify the most complex text into context.  Sheikh Imad is the resident Imam of Boysens Park mosque and also the eldest son of a senior Alim in Port Elizabeth, Sheikh Abdulatief Lagadien.

To Lecture : Islamic Jurisprudence and Arabic

Sheikh Imad`s message to Alfurqan students: 

We aim at providing a structured approach to building a foundational understanding of the various Islamic sciences.